home Asia Banda Aceh – Travel Guide to Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Banda Aceh – Travel Guide to Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Banda Aceh is located at the northernmost tip of Sumatra Island in Indonesia, adjacent to the Indian Ocean. It is the capital of Aceh Special Region and the largest city in the region. Established in 1205, this city is one of the historic Islamic cities in Southeast Asia, through which Islam spread into the region, earning it the nickname “the Gate to Mecca”.

Banda Aceh is a beautiful coastal city with the grand Baiturrahman Grand Mosque at its center, which is the most famous landmark in the area. Built around the 12th century, this mosque can accommodate 9000 people and boasts a unique structure featuring a main tower, 7 large domes, and 4 small towers. The Aceh Museum, showcasing the history, culture, and artistic life of the province, is also a popular destination for tourists and is the oldest museum in Indonesia. Furthermore, the city offers beautiful beaches, swaying coconut palm groves, ancient kingdom ruins, colorful festivals, and educational sites like the Tsunami Museum.

Banda Aceh
Reasons to visit: the largest city in the Aceh Special Region of Indonesia
Continent: Asia
Country: Indonesia
Province: Aceh Special Region
City: Banda Aceh

About the author: eshangcc

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